SAFApply for Tertiary Institutions

Smarter application management for businesses and organizations

Who says admissions have to be hectic? Automate the entire process and watch more participants roll in with less administrative burden on staff

Manual Errors

Reduce expensive
errors and overlapping

Some errors can cost you time and money. Put the process on auto-pilot and let SAFApply deal with sending messages, notifications or simply sort out who meets your admissions criteria

Too many files and documents

Receive application
documents and data

Easily migrate student records from the application stage to the very end. Records can easily be transferred on to SRMS to keep managing the admitted students throughout their studies till even after they graduate.

New Application hurdle

Chaotic experience for new applicants

Join top-leading institutions around the world and provide an impressively smooth experience for potential students, right from the beginning. 

How SAFApply Works

Don’t move, We’ll Handle Everything

The Organization creates and publishes online courses and training programs for its members

The facilitator uploads the details of available courses, programs and application deadlines. The application portal becomes visible on the organization’s website and accessible by all

Members visit the website to apply and enrol

Members of the institution and potential participants visit your website to apply for courses and programs of interest. When applicants click to apply, they are redirected to the SAFApply portal to complete their application

The Organization receives and reviews applications

The facilitator or administrative officer gets instant notification of all applications received within 24 hours. SAFApply ranks each application according to the metrics for ranking configured into the system. Hence, the facilitator can easily determine their eligibility and review the applications

The organization grants or rejects applications

Based on the reviews, the facilitator can make admission decisions or move selected candidates to the next stage of the registration process and automatically the selected candidates will be notified

The Organizations sends out notification of successful enrolment

At the end of the application process, successful applicants will automatically receive a notification that they can now participate in the program. Hence, the facilitator can proceed to send out access details and additional information

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